
How Can You Help?
Please do your part to help reduce the amount of plastics and aluminum cans from entering our landfill!  The most effective way to reduce waste is to not create it in the first place.  When on island try to reduce or not use plastic water bottles and encourage your guests to do so as well. Water filter pitchers in the fridge and thermal cups truly help reduce our use of plastic water bottles. 
Unlike the mainland, St. Thomas recycles very little.  For over 3 years, EAST volunteers and other environmental groups have been diverting tons of plastics and aluminum cans from entering the area! Saturdays at The Market STT from 9 am to 11 am they collect recyclables from individuals who bring them in. If you would like to participate with this make sure to follow the instructions below to ensure that sort separation is done properly before arriving at the Market STT!
Plastic Water Jugs, Juice and Water Bottles plus Aluminum Cans Recycling Saturdays
Help reduce the amount of single use plastics and aluminum cans from entering our dumps. This is an ALL volunteer effort spearheaded by the VI Conservation Society and the Environmental Association St.Thomas St. John and YOU! We love volunteers one and all! 
1. Visit the Market St. Thomas on Saturday from 9am to 11am ONLY. Do not drop them off before or after these times please. Please have all of your items ready and sorted for a drop off PRIOR to arrival at the Market St.Thomas. Thank you Market STT for your support!
2. Regarding plastic will be ONLY accepting plastic water bottles or beverage soda/juice bottles and gallon water jugs. NO CAPS are allowed ON the containers! Please unscrew them off first BEFORE bringing to the drop off.

3. We will be NOT separating or touching the items and will refuse to accept bags that are not placed into clear or white colored bags. We will be providing only one large clear bag in exchange for their items. NO black bags will be accepted.
4. Additionally we are accepting aluminum cans (Soda cans and clean cat food containers) for recycling. HOWEVER do NOT mix them with the plastics. Any bag can be used for these cans, black, white or clear.
Become a VOLUNTEER today just PICK your available Saturday! Students are welcomed!

Visit Us:

6600 Estate Smith Bay
Saint Thomas, Saint Thomas - 00802

340-775-7200 Contact Us